Groovie Goolies
Groovie Goolies is an American animated television show that had its original run on network television between 1970 and 1972. Produced by Filmation, Groovie Goolies was a spinoff of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (itself a spinoff of The Archie Show). Like most Saturday morning animated series' of the era, Groovie Goolies contained an adult laugh track.
The Goolies were a group of hip monsters, many of whom were, in look and sound, pop-culture echoes of the classic horror-film monsters created in the 1930s and 1940s, mostly by Universal Pictures. The group sang a pop song each episode.
Adding music to the series, Filmation hoped that lightning would strike twice: the previous success of The Archie Show produced several musical hits. The song "Chick-a-Boom" was first featured on the show, and became a hit two years later for Daddy Dewdrop (actually one of the show's producers).
The music of the some of the later Groovie Goolie segments was produced by Jackie Mills, who had also produced Bobby Sherman, the Brady Bunch Kids, and some of the Archie programs. Tom McKenzie, a former member of the Doodletown Pipers, who was also the vocalist for the U.S. of Archie show, sang the vocals for these shows.
The show’s theme song, titled "Goolie Get-Together", was written by Linda Martin and Janis Gwin. A cover of the show’s theme song, performed by The Toadies, is included on the 1995 tribute album Saturday Morning: Cartoons' Greatest Hits, produced by Ralph Sall for MCA Records. Autumn Teen Sound also recorded and performed the theme song. It appears on the bootleg "Beaten Up By Rock N' Roll."
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